Thursday, January 9, 2014

New year, old blog, same lack of motivation.

So... Its been a long time since I updated this "blog".

Well, its a new year with some new miniatures and a couple new supplements... So here goes another shot.

I've been wanting to focus more on the hobby, as opposed to the game, this year. I've got a lot of single miniatures that I've been wanting to paint up. Here is what my lineup is looking like:

5 Grey Knight Purifiers

Ultra Marine standard bearer, champion and veteran

Imperial Fist Veteran

Blood Angel Veteran

Dark Angel Veteran

... There is more, but I am trying to not get too overwhelmed. I'll attempt to keep this all updated.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Greetings, people who are probably not reading this modest blog! It has been a bit since I last updated, as I have just not been motivated to do anything in the hobby! Blargh...

The Possessed Chaos Space Marine arm bits I ordered for my Soul Drinkers Touched (Space Wolves with the Mark of the Wulfin) finally arrived! It took the gentleman I bought them from on eBay almost a week to mail them out to me. Regardless they are here, but I am finding that even with the shaving and trimming of the parts that are Chaos-esq, I am finding that they do not quite fit with the aesthetics of using regular Space Marine bits as the core of the army. I am hoping that once the bits are painted up, that they will start to come together. Now I need to decide what color I am going to paint the mutated arms that they all wield so well.

I unfortunately am not going to be playing at the 1700 point tournament at AFK Games in Holt, MI coming up at the end of December, as I have not played a single game yet using the 6th edition rules... that is my fault for not dedicating time practice.

With the lack of my dedication to playing being affirmed in the previous paragraph, I am excited to say that my friend Meridus and I will be attending the Adepticon 2014 tournament in the Team division. We have ourselves and one potential team member in mind. We are planning on going with all Power Armour lists. My "Soul Wolves" and Meridian' Grey Knights will be hitting the tables hard in perpetration for the 2014 Adepticon Tournament. 2013 will be packed full of practice.

Well that is about it for now... thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment.

- Thracsis

Monday, November 26, 2012


I REALLY hope the new Dark Angles codex has a Chaplain option similar to the Blood Angels having apothecaries. I have been wanting to do a proper Word Bearers army for a few weeks now after spending some time reading about on my least known about Chapters. I feel that the DA codex would fit perfectly if they do in fact get the Chaplain squad that they are rumored to be getting as it will be the best representation of zealous Word Bearers that we have to date (sorry Chaos Space Marine 6th edition, you're too generic for my tastes in chaos). So with that being said, what is everyone else hoping/begging/sacrificing fluffy creatures for?


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Wulfin Counts As

So I decided to do my Space Wolves army up as Soul Drinkers for an upcoming tournament. I then came up with the issue of modelling the Wulfin upgrade on my models. I think that I found an answer:

Soul Drinkers

So I decided that I was going to paint my Space Wolves army up as Soul Drinkers. I feel it fits with the Wolves having the Wulfin and the Drinkers being touched by Chaos. Anyway, here is a sample pic:

Thanksgiving Update/First Post!

Greeting fellow bloggers! Thracsis here with a Thanksgiving update/first post! Anyway... on to the update:

There is a 1700 point 40k tournament coming up on December 29th @ AFK Games in Holt MI. I have not played a game in well over 2 years, but I figure that if I am going to get back into the hobby as hard i was 4 years ago, I might as well jump head first and hope for the best. I need to make sure I get as many practice games in as possible. Seeing as 6th edition is still fresh, I figure I will not be at THAT bad of a disadvantage .. who am I kidding, I am going into this with the mentality that I am going to get my ass handed to me. This is what I am planning on running...